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Case Studies.

Driving Digital Transformation: Empowering Business Growth Across GCC Regions

Nexel Partners Approach:

• Appointed as a Digital Advisory Board member to provide strategic guidance and expertise.
• Developed a comprehensive Digital Transformation strategy and implementation roadmap tailored to the business objectives.
• Defined group business application architecture, operating model, and service delivery approach to support digital initiatives.
• Established a digital transformation budget and business case for each project, ensuring alignment with organizational goals.
• Defined technology sourcing strategy and identified potential vendors to meet requirements.
• Developed a technology post-merger integration plan and architecture for retail and food distribution businesses across the GCC.
• Designed and implemented E-commerce/Omni Channel and direct-to-consumer business models to enhance customer engagement and sales.


• Successfully implemented the digital transformation initiatives over one year, with Nexel Partners acting as the CIO for the group.
• Managed the implementation of key projects through the Nexel Partners PMO, including E-commerce platforms, CRM and Retail Management systems, HRM solutions, S&OP and Supply Chain optimization, and new last-mile delivery models.
• Redesigned S&OP processes for fashion retail and food distribution businesses, enhancing efficiency and responsiveness.
• Implemented a new data center migration plan to improve IT infrastructure and support digital operations.
• Achieved a significant increase in group online sales from 2% to 10%, driving revenue growth.
• Realized a 50% decrease in IT operations costs through efficiency improvements and optimization.
• Reduced stock Days on Hand (DoH) from 170 to 90 days, improving inventory management and cost-effectiveness.
