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Case Studies.

Streamlining Restaurant Openings: An Integrated Approach

Nexel Partners Approach:

• Managed the coordination and oversight of opening 23 restaurants simultaneously, applying project management best practices for successful execution.
• Implemented communication tools and platforms to foster effective collaboration across the team, ensuring quality and meticulous activity tracking.
• Provided comprehensive training on various productivity tools such as MS Planner, advanced MS Teams features, SharePoint, MS Projects, and advanced spreadsheets to boost team productivity.
• Automated recruitment and onboarding processes using an in-house workflow system, ensuring seamless and efficient employee onboarding.
• Promoted the adoption of new workflow tools to enhance team productivity, offering ongoing training and support.
• Transitioned to real-time dashboards using Power BI for advanced reporting, empowering teams to make informed decisions and enhance reporting efficiency.
• Introduced retrospective workshops to gather insights from events and drive actionable outcomes, fostering a culture of accountability and improvement.
• Established clear communication channels and agendas across different organizational levels, ensuring alignment and effectiveness.


• Successfully managed the opening of 23 restaurants simultaneously, maintaining high-quality standards and meeting timelines across all locations.
• Improved communication and collaboration through new tools and platforms, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.
• Streamlined recruitment and onboarding processes through automation, enhancing the employee experience and reducing manual efforts.
• Enhanced reporting capabilities with real-time dashboards, enabling data-driven decision-making and improving reporting efficiency.
• Fostered a culture of continuous improvement through retrospective workshops, driving innovation and accountability.
• Established clear communication cadences and agendas, improving alignment and effectiveness in decision-making.
